Friday, February 19, 2010

Texas Packing List

Biking Clothes:
- All shorts
- 3/4 jerseys
- LS Jersey
- Light vest
- Heavy vest
- Booties
- Rain Jacket
- Helmet
- Sunglasses
- Long baselayer
- Short baselayer
- Light long finger gloves
- Medium long finger gloves
- Short finger gloves

Street Clothes:
- Just take a bunch of crap

Bike and Accessories:
- Bike
- Mavic wheels
- Powertap head unit
- Powertap download cable
- Lots of bottles
- Tubes and tires
- Tools
- Saddle bag and frame pump
- Triflow lube
- Tire pump

- Shaving kit
- Laptop
- Physics and aging textbooks
- Muzac for the drive
- GPS for drive
- Camera
- Cell charger
- Prescriptions
- Ballreichs chips


  1. don't forget to take a pair of lightweight long underwear like Shiverswear. they are the best long underwear for riding in cold weather

  2. Addition-
    -Laptop Power Adapter and Shaver cord.
    -Magazines for drive
    -Inverter for laptop
    -DC Splitter
    -5hr Energyx2
    Bike Stuff
    -Arm Warmers/Knee Warmers
    -Ride food (bars/gel)

  3. Michigan scene- Saturn folded so I suppose we'll be racing under the Maumee Valley Wheelman name. I wanted to find a team, but after missing last year from the surgery I need to reestablish my name.

    Mike- don't have inverter or splitter, hate 5 hour energy give me venti coffees. Good call with the bike stuff. You know I eat snickers so we don't need to bring those.
